North American Soccer League Players

Winston DuBose
Born: July 28, 1955 City: Orlando, Florida   Height: 6' 2" Weight: 184 lbs.   College: Central Florida University
            National Team: USA 1979-85 (14 Games)
Team League Year Num Pos Games Min Saves GA SO Avg. Citizen
Tampa Bay Rowdies Indoor NASL 77 G - - - - - - USA
Tampa Bay Rowdies NASL 77 18 G 3 197 19 4 0 1.83 USA
Tampa Bay Rowdies Indoor NASL 78 1, 18 G 6   105 24   3.96 USA
Tampa Bay Rowdies NASL 78 18 G 15 1352 68 19 4 1.26 USA
Tampa Bay Rowdies NASL 79 1 G 13 1189 92 24 2 1.82 USA
Tampa Bay Rowdies Indoor NASL 79-80 1 G             USA
Tampa Bay Rowdies NASL 80 1 G 31     47 6   USA
Tampa Bay Rowdies Indoor NASL 80-81 1 G 9 552 120 56   6.09 USA
Tampa Bay Rowdies NASL 81 1 G 14     31 1   USA
Tampa Bay Rowdies Indoor NASL 81-82 1 G 12           USA
Tulsa Roughnecks NASL 82 0 G 32 2960 1591 55 9 1.67 USA
Tulsa Roughnecks Indoor NASL 83 0 G 8 0 1 1     USA
Tulsa Roughnecks NASL 83 0 G 30 2783 136 48 5 1.55 USA
Tulsa Roughnecks Indoor NASL 83-84 0 G 25 1416 300 161   6.82 USA
Tulsa Roughnecks NASL 84 1 G 22 1931 85 38 4 1.77 USA
Tulsa Roughnecks Exh 85 0 G             USA
Columbus Capitals AISA 85-86   G 3 181 30 22   7.29 USA
Tampa Bay Rowdies AISA 86-87   G             USA
Orlando Lions Exh 87   G             USA
Tampa Bay Rowdies ASL 88   G 20 1800 65 15 9 0.75 USA
Tampa Bay Rowdies ASL 89 1 G 20 1800 73 25 5 1.25 USA
Wichita Wings MISL 89-90   G 1 10 2 1   5.93 USA
Tampa Bay Rowdies APSL 90 1 G 13 1118 44 28 0 2.15 USA
Tampa Bay Rowdies APSL 91 1 G 16 1609   26 3 1.45 USA
Central Florida University
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1977 Indoor Goalie (NASL)
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1977 Goalie (NASL)
NASL Soccer Tampa Bay Rowdies 77-78 Goalie Winston DuBose 2    
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1978 Indoor Goalie
NASL Soccer Tampa Bay Rowdies 77-78 Home Indoor x
Winston DuBose (G), Art Welch, Kevin Eagan (17)
Tampa Bay Rowdies at Washington Diplomats

Denny Demkowski (4), Winston DuBose (G)
Tampa Bay Rowdies at Washington Diplomats
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1978 Goalie (NASL)
NASL Soccer Tampa Bay Rowdies 78 Goalie Winston DuBose 3.gif
Without Soccer Bowl Patch

Thanks Jan Reinertsen and

Thanks Http://
NASL Soccer Tampa Bay Rowdies 78 Goalie Winston DuBose
With Soccer Bowl Patch
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1979 Goalie
NASL Soccer Tampa Bay Rowdies 79- Goalie Winston DuBose NASL Soccer Tampa Bay Rowdies 79-80 Road Back Manny Andruszewski
Graham Oates (5), Winston DuBose (1)
Detroit Express at Tampa Bay Rowdies
Winston DuBose (1), Tom Armstrong (11)
Thanks Http:// 
USA National Team 1979
USA 1979
Back: Pat Fidelia, Boris Bandov, Doc Lawson, Ty Keough, Brooks Cryder, Tony Bellinger, Sonny Askew
Mid: Walt Chyzowich, Greg Villa, Perry Van Der Beck, Winston DuBose, Arnie Mausser, Steve Pecher, Tony Crudo, Bob Gansler
Front: Louie Nanchoff, Ringo Cantillo, George Nanchoff, Greg Makowski, Angelo DiBernardo, Mark Liveric
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1979-80 Indoor Goalie
Rowdies 79-80 Indoor Goalie Winston DuBose, Strikers 80-01-12 (4)
Photo by George Tiedemann
Rowdies 79-80 Indoor Goalie Back Winston DuBose, Strikers 80-01-12
Photo by George Tiedemann
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1980 Goalie (NASL)

Winston DuBose (1), Refik Kozic (4), John Gorman (3)
=Tampa Bay Rowdies 1980 Home Kozic, DuBose
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs. Ft. Lauderdale Strikers
Refik Kozic (4), Teofilo Cubillas (20), Winston DuBose (1)
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1980 Team Picture
NASL Soccer San Diego Sockers 80 Road Back Jose Neto, Nico Rohmann.jpg
Jose Neto (11), Refik Kozic (4), Nick Rohmann (24), Winston DuBose (1)
San Diego Sockers at Tampa Bay Rowdies
  NASL Soccer Tampa Bay Rowdies 80- Home Back Mike Connell (2)
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1981 Goalie (NASL)
NASL Soccer Tampa Bay Rowdies 81 Goalie Back Winston DuBose 
Thanks Http://
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1981-82 Goalie (NASL)
Tulsa Roughnecks 1982 Goalie (NASL)
    NASL Soccer Tulsa Roughnecks 82 Home Team
Tulsa Roughnecks 1983 Goalie
Roughnecks 82-84 Goalie Winston DuBose
Barry Wallace (3), Winston DuBose (G), Vladislav Bogicevic (8)
Tulsa Roughnecks at New York Cosmos

Thanks Jan Reinertsen

Thanks Jan Reinertsen

Ivan Belfiore (20),Winston DuBose (G), Tatu (10)
Tulsa Roughnecks at Tampa Bay Rowdies
Thanks Http://
Tulsa Roughnecks 1984 Goalie (NASL)
Tulsa Roughnecks 1985 Goalie Exhibition

 Thanks Chris King

 Thanks Chris King

 Thanks Chris King

Photo by Steve Jennings                  Thanks Chris King
Back: Terry Hennessey Coach, Chris King, Darryl Gee, 6?, Elvis Comrie, Neil Megson, Winston DuBose, Steve Myers, Chance Fry, Roy Wegerle, Noel Lemon GM
Front: Josh Joslin Trainer, Barry Wallace, Perry Senko, Caleb Suri, Billy Caskey, Iraj Danaifard, Adam Krupa, Wes McLeod
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1988 Goalie (ASL)
Art Kramer (13), Winston DuBose (1), Derek Sanderson (R)
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1990 Goalie (APSL)
Back Row (L to R): Winston DuBose, Michael Coons, Steve Trittschuh, Mark Wright, Raymond Perlee, Derek Backman, Ray Hudson, David Byrne, Perry Van Der Beck, Dave Power
Front Row (L to R): Steve Wegerle, Martin Hill, Giles Hooper, Ken Fogarty, Tom Traxler (Equipment Manager), Alan Anderson, Michael Bates, Jay White, Craig Fossett, Jeff Jones